Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Living with creativity

  Everything around you is an entity. You can visualize everything around you as objects, and analyse how beautifully their organization has been done. The objects are not only visible ones, but invisible things too. Just like the visible living entities respond to the phenomena around them, so do the invisible qualities. Creativity, prosperity, health, strength, knowledge etc are some of those invisible entities. They cull out a worthy beholder for themselves, with whom they are assured of being comfortably intoned. If they feel incompatibility issues with their beholders at any later stage, they depart from him without any delay. Every such invisible creation has a unique behavior, unique characteristics just like living entities have. For instance, dog is known for its loyalty, jackal for its cleverness etc.

 Wealth is a very frivolous entity. She is a naughty child always seeking change of location. In short it is the most unstable entity. It can be present in abundance at any time, and at the same time it can compel its owner to crave for even a single grain of food. The more you try to accumulate it, the more problem it creates for you because she seeks change. You spend sleepless nights in worry of preserving it, you hire so much of security, bank accounts etc to tame her. But, if you use it purposefully, help those who need it, she is pleased. Hence, she automatically multiplies herself, and also brings you a sense of high self esteem, fame and respect.

 Worthy candidature is a very important thing to sustain a long life relation with these entities. If it decays, they gradually depart away. Now, here we are to discuss about the entity, Creativity. It is a blessing conferred unto someone, which seems to be a curse during the initial years of your life. The more creativity is with you, the difficult is it to identify her alone.

 Creativity(according to me) is defined as a special talent/art/ability in some particular field which directs its beholder to perceive things in a way that is opposed to the traditional contemporary perspective. Science and Mathematics are viewed as strict logic based disciplines. Its followers blindly follow a certain set of rules, theorems and invent things based upon these. But a creative individual looks upon them as respectful platforms and works on them purposefully. He looks upon these as an expression of God, and hence gifts the society with new visions. As the time advances, needs arise to view things in a different perspective in order to evolve further. Unfortunately, this different perspective is looked upon as an outcast, and its effects can be horrible depending upon the kind of people around you.

  To sustain and grow it, is a task in itself. It is vulnerable to attack and decline by outside agents and its survival also depends on how the beholder is using it. Always remember one thing, when any entity feels disrespected or used, it goes away analogous to the guests arriving at your home when left unattended/affronted, they go away and never think of coming back.

List all the things in you that you find as bad : As stated earlier, the different perspective caused due to your creativity will make you feel as an outcast  according to the people around you. When you enlist these points, the things that you feel bad the most about are actually the paths to your gift that you need to explore and work on.

  This is an ability when you are not able to read and write things the traditional way. You seek your own methods to fit into the contemporary paradigm. But your vision in this state of mind gives you and enhanced sense of perceiving arts. These people turn out to be amazing painters. Some compose a very different quality of music. They use musical notes in a very unique way. But, on the dark side there is a fear of being suppressed and making your flow retard due to the societal pressures.

Fear of taking risks
 This is not a fear. It’s a gift which must be combined with your analytical skills to perceive a situation in its worst consequences and then make plans to take the best out of those adverse situations. This so called fear will show you the worst that can happen in any situation and then you can analyse each of those things and cope up with them. It’s a blessing which would make you a legible and suitable risk manager.

  It is reluctance to take up something(esp responsibility) when offered to you. The reluctance is a gift. Mostly this reluctance is a characteristic of those people who started working upon some responsibility without proper planning in their past life(s). The impressions of failure and negative feedback faced by them in those past lives are recorded in their spiritual bodies. This recording is a good thing, its an addition to your experience baggage. In this situation, it is easy for a person to sit alone and explore the feelings causing him to be reluctant. He would hence be acquainted with the proper actions to start the task afresh. It could be a social worker who was sent to this earth for eradication of some prevalent rotten belief systems. He might have been careless about his security which might have led to his assassination. Furthermore, he might have received serious blows of verbal as well as physical retaliation during his mission. These experiences would obviously have been recorded painfully in his spiritual bodies which are transferred to his next life. When he was assassinated, he died with a feeling of dissatisfaction regarding his incomplete mission. This sense of dissatisfaction would compel him to follow the reformer’s path in the next incarnation, and the hunches(the retaliation faced, overlooking security issues etc manifested as escapism in present life) will actually guide him to work cautiously this time, which might appear as a negative personality trait initially. The only thing is that you have to analyze the source of feelings which are stereotyped as negative. The moment you understand this thing, you download all the past experience to your present life at a tender age which appears to be creativity to the rest.

Seclusion and loneliness
 You must try your level best to avoid these. But, if in spite of plentiful efforts you are succumbed by these feelings over and over again or its impossible for you to make any move, its time to change your perspective to these. This calls for a necessity to strengthen yourself more where loneliness is an essential prerequisite.Its time to look the world within you, not the one that is outside. You have been looking at things too much practically, the female side in you is either missing or at growth stage. Now you have to understand that there is something known as heart which is an essential groundwork for creativity to grow. It is a female virtue, it drives you to do things, and you do not control it. You have to seek two souls in one body. Learn to live with it, non judgmentally.
  This situation also calls for a need to explore the unexplored, to look at the overlooked. It compels you to look at your actions more deeply. It also makes you to think about the cause of existence of something. Albert Einstein proposed the theory of relativity when he was secluded in a very small residence. He was rated as an extremely poor performer in school, he had no job later. Exasperated with plenty of problems, impressions of failure and poor performance rating, caused him to confine to a single room and listen to the message of loneliness longing to preach him. He was the chosen one to offer science a new vision, which was contemporarily relying upon dogmatic and finite Newtonian beliefs. This education is possible only in loneliness. It would be mandatory for you to look at things this way to make use of your creativity.

Slow development
 Every individual grows at his own pace.  The cocoon bursts only when the wings are matured. The egg hatches only when the hour is ripe. Slow cooked food tastes better than when cooked faster. Slow growth is also an indicator of longevity. When Nature has provided so many evidences on merits of slow advancement, then why grieve this fact.

Resistance to socialization
 One thing must be remembered that if you feel reluctant to socialize, it is not a bad thing. You might get demotivated when you read posters or articles on merits and demerits of socialization. Socialization comes to being when you find someone equi – vibrational (or over) to you. Heterogeneity in vibrational levels cannot create bonds. This must not come to mean that you must regard others as inferior or superior to yourself. If this inferiority/superiority complex is hindering socialization process, that’s ego problem issue, whereas if you sense some other kind of difficulty while taking it, that’s the issue of lack of vibrational compatibility. You will find your heart chakra badly locked in this case. You might also feel some puffy, prickly vibrations in your chest.
 It is not a good thing to share everything, your plans, etc with a certain kind of people. There is a tendency of being manipulated, or identification of something unique in you by some wrong person who can shred it away. Thus, your creativity will not want itself to be seen by a certain kind of people, and it will resist you to socialize with them. You will feel this as some inner voice. If you deny hearing this voice, this resistance will manifest to reality. You will end up being in trouble by sharing this information with some wrong person. But, still there is nothing to worry about because you have got an experience. 


  1. Very ,very interesting! I say this because you approach all those topics from a cultural point of view I am not used to: very obvious that you did not grow up in a Western civilization. Your angle of view gives me something to think about I never consciously considered: to see all those topics as entities. BRILLIANT! Of cause they are,but that idea when it 'entered my brain (repeatedly) through the left ear, flew out just as fast on the right' Because of your article it now spends time in my head!:-) I would have called them 'energies' instead, but by calling them 'entities' to me they suddenly have a face! Your explanations ,while still not common to traditional believers in the West make total sense to many of us and hopefully make the rest think. With your permission I'd like to post this on my page at FB. There are some people who would really appreciate your point of view....

    1. Thank you Dottie.. Of course, you may share it. It would be my earnest pleasure if others benefit from it.

    2. What a deep thinker you are Devanshu!!! I love the definition of heart as a female virtue; as it is indeed our feminine side of the brain that gives life to creativity; without the balance of the male aspect though one is bound and unable to express and resulting in a feeling of being trapped... as for vibrational comparability that is a topic worth exploring...thank you for sharing your thoughts...I do sense you are an empath sensing the imbanced thoughts and feelings of those around you; this can be a gift once you learn how to master it; from my personal experience though, not an easy thing to master; often confused and unable to differentiate where and how personal boundaries have been invaded... I do appreciate your depth and freedom of thought.
